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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Red Undies

If, by any chance, you have lead time to heart "procedures",  our warning would be: Do not wear red undies. Under these circumstances it's the humorous moments that keep us sane.

Joe's nurse (the one from previous post :) ) came in to check on him the day after the life flight.  He was checking his leads and iv's and he had to check the sites from the two procedures Joe had in Boise.  One of those procedures was a cardiocath.  If you don't know this procedure it is done by inserting a cathetor into the groin area and guiding it to the heart.  So said nurse pulled up Joe's sheet and said, "Oh My God, you're bleeding" ... 

Needless to say this gave us a real start ... and then everyone in the room (Nurse, Joe and I) realized that he had on his red boxer briefs. 

You just have to imagine the laughter outbreak after we all came to this realization.  It will be a story that will live in our funny-bones forever...Lesson learned.  :)


  1. Love finding humor in the midst of turmoil. It makes the best memories!!! <3

  2. LOL reading your blog from tears to laughter. LOVE IT!
